Purchasing Policies
- AggieMart electronic Procure2Pay system
- Approval Authorizations for Purchase Requests
- Confirming Purchases
- Conflict of Interest
- Consultant Services
- Contractual Services
- Correspondence with Vendors
- Debarred Vendors
- Delivery Within the Fiscal Year
- Emergency Purchases
- Ethics Code
- Evaluation of Equipment for Vendors
- Expediting, Follow-up and Transaction Inquiries
- Federal Excise and State Sales Taxes
- Federal Surplus Property
- Insurance
- Obtaining Excess Government Equipment
- Object Coding (Explanation of Expenditure Codes)
- Payment of Membership Dues
- Petty Cash Purchases
- Product and Service Demonstration by Vendors
- Purchase Authorization, Purchase Commitments/Unauthorized Purchases
- Purchases for Personal Use of Employees
- Purchase of Christmas Decorations and Greeting Cards
- Purchase of Flowers
- Purchase of Live Animals for Research
- Purchase of Personal Convenience Items
- Purchase of Refreshments, Sundries, Etc.
- Purchase of Subscriptions and Periodicals
- Purchasing Used Equipment
- Rebate Policy and Procedure
- Rental and Lease of Equipment
- Repair of In-Warranty Equipment
- Repair of Out-of-Warranty Equipment
- Responsibility for Supplies and Equipment After Purchase
- Return of Merchandise
- Solicitation by Sales Representatives
- Solicitation of Bids and Quotations
- State Purchase Contracts
- Waiver of Competitive Bidding