Evaluation of Equipment for Vendors

Request for Evaluation

From time to time, vendors may request a department to evaluate equipment without obligation to purchase. This type of request is more frequent in those departments where students may be using the equipment.

Written Guidelines

When a vendor offers equipment for evaluation and the department is willing to have the equipment installed for evaluation purposes, the department should secure a written agreement using the following guidelines:

  • Equipment must be adequately identified and described, giving model and serial numbers.
  • All shipping charges are to be paid by the vendor.
  • Insurance, if any; is the responsibility of the vendor. The University assumes no liability for the equipment. The University may agree to exercise normal operational care and to avoid abuse of the equipment.
  • At the end of the evaluation period, the vendor will be responsible for crating and shipping by a carrier of the vendor's choice.
  • The evaluation of the equipment for a vendor does not give the vendor permission to use the name of the University in any advertisement or as an endorsement.