A&T Announcements

A&T Announcements - Aug. 16, 2021

A&T Announcement Changes
N.C. A&T Announcements is a weekly publication distributed on Mondays via email and on the Aggie Hub. Use the Announcements Submission Form to submit information by 4 p.m.
N.C. A&T and NCCU Crush COVID Competition
We’re Crushing COVID through a campus competition with NCCU. The Aggie-Eagle Crush COVID Competition, held July 1 to Sept. 17, encourages faculty, staff and students to do their part by getting a COVID-19 vaccine to ensure the campuses are ready for a healthy fall 2021 semester. The campus with the most members vaccinated will be rewarded with a trophy and ultimate bragging rights at the Sept. 25 Aggie-Eagle football game at Truist Stadium on the N.C. A&T campus. Please note all the issues have been corrected and the portal is operational for ALL faculty, staff and students. All you have to do is upload your vaccination card to the university medical records Medicat portal or schedule a vaccination appointment on campus, or at your local clinic. Make sure to get your information in and be eligible for weekly and grand prizes. All details and upload options are available via www.ncat.edu/crushcovid.


F. D. Bluford Library Tours & Trivia - Aug. 16-17
All new and returning Aggies are cordially invited Aug. 16-17 to tour their university library and learn how we support your academic success!  Following your guided tour, you are invited to enjoy light refreshments, and participate in trivia games to test your newfound knowledge of Bluford Library and win some cool prizes! Tours are available in 30-minute intervals between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Visit the registration link for more information and to register for a 30 minute tour
Prepare Now for Aug./Oct. EO Deadlines
Faculty, staff, and administrators: please encourage Aggie students and alumni to prepare now for the first 8 EOs with required endorsement deadlines (always at 5 p.m. ET; click here to see all 15). Click here and encourage your Aggie today.
-Graduating seniors, graduate students, and alumni
   Aug. 17: Marshall, Mitchell, and Rhodes Scholarships
   Aug. 24: Fulbright Program grant 
-Third-year undergrads
   Oct. 12: Truman Scholarship 
-Second- and third-year undergrads
   Oct. 12: Astronaut and Goldwater Scholarships 
   Nov. 9: Udall Scholarship 
The New F.D. Bluford Library Building Turns 30
Do you have a favorite F.D. Bluford Library story? We want to hear from you! This September the new F.D. Bluford Library building turns 30, and we'd love to celebrate by sharing your stories about the library. Write our Communications Librarian at kjkehoe@ncat.edu us using the subject line, Bluford Turns 30, and you may appear on our social media. Submissions due Aug. 18.

University Galleries to Host "Finding the Promised Land" Exhibition - Now- Sept. 24
The University Galleries at N.C. A&T is hosting a new art exhibition, “Finding the Promised Land: Landscape Works by Black Artists from the Permanent Collection.” The exhibit runs through Sept. 24.

Virtual Diversity Training - Aug. 27
A virtual Safe Zone Training Refresher for students, faculty, staff, and administrators will take place Aug. 27, 11 a.m. -noon via Zoom. Safe Zone Training Refresher sessions are open to any student, faculty, and administrator that has previously attended a Safe Zone Training session. RSVP Required! For more information, please call (336-334-7800), or email (oie@ncat.edu).
CAE Student Success Events - Aug. 24-Sept. 1

Learn the importance of and how to log on and navigate your way through the Blackboard and Aggie Access portal. Topics covered in this workshop will include finding the syllabus, assignments and grade on Blackboard along with conducting vital university related business through Aggie Access. Zoom link.

  • Aug. 24, 11 a.m.
  • Aug. 26, 1 p.m.
  • Sept. 1, 4 p.m.

Aggies 4 Recovery Fall 2021 Events
  • Motivational Monday: Last year granted us time to self-reflect, let's keep it going to promote wellness and personal growth!
    Mondays 11 a.m. - noon, Aug. 23- Nov. 22, Join Zoom Meeting

Aggie Rack Grand Opening - Sept. 2

The Office Of Leadership and Civic Engagement will be hosting a Grand Opening of the Aggie Rack. The Aggie Rack provides free professional clothing for enrolled students on campus. Please utilize us as a resource to provide support with student interview, career fair, or internship clothing needs. The event will take place Sept. 2,  at the Aggie Source (Old Sebastian Health Center)Located 205 Nocho St., Suite 115, 2-4 p.m.

Research Study on COVID-19 and Student Leadership
Students at N.C. A&T and UNCG Joint School of Social Work are conducting a research study to understand the impact of COVID-19 on student leaders attending both universities. Qualifying individuals must be: student leader at N.C. A&T or UNCG during the COVID-19 pandemic; 18 years of age or older, able to speak English. Qualified individuals will be asked to participate in a confidential one-time virtual interview that will last 45-60 minutes. Your name will not be used in the study. You will receive a $10 Starbucks gift card in exchange for your participation in the study. Complete the Qualtrics interest form or contact the research team at (336) 517-7446 or ttrichar@uncg.edu or trichardson2@aggies.ncat.edu to arrange an interview. 
Counseling Services Support

If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis or having thoughts of suicide, please contact Counseling Services. Counseling Services provides trainings on suicide prevention. You can become a gatekeeper and save a life by recognizing the warning signs, offering hope, and referring others to seek professional assistance. Here are some resources on suicide prevention.

·         National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24 Hours) 1-800-273-8255

·         American Psychological Association (APA) http://www.apa.org/

·         Suicide warning signs http://www.apa.org/topics/suicide/signs.aspx

·         Speaking of Psychology: Preventing suicide http://www.apa.org/research/action/speaking-of-psychology/preventing-suicide.aspx

·         Suicide Prevention http://www.apa.org/advocacy/suicide-prevention/index.aspx


IT Policies, Standards, and Procedures 

Click here to access IT policies, standards, and procedures related to the responsibilities of employees, students, and affiliates when utilizing university data, software, and technology including the network infrastructure. 

University Hotline

If you ever have a concern about improper conduct, fraud, waste or abuse, please do not keep it to yourself. You may report these concerns or any violation of policies, procedures, regulations, state and federal laws to your immediate supervisor or department head, if appropriate.

There are also two methods for reporting concerns or violations anonymously and in confidence via the University Hotline. You may call the University Hotline toll free at 877-507-7313 or make a report online. Both reporting methods are confidential and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Follow @NCAT_AggieAlert on Twitter

Make sure to follow @NCAT_AggieAlert on Twitter for additional access to emergency notifications and alerts. Aggie Alert is the university text notification system for emergencies, life-threatening situations and inclement weather.