Academic Tools

ally logo
Ally is a tool that can be used to make digital content more accessible. Ally provides instructors with feedback on the accessibility of content and creates alternative versions of course files. This allows students to view course documents in a variety of formats and choose the type of file that best suits their learning needs.
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Blackboard Learn logo
Blackboard is the official learning management system used by the university to host course shells and organization sites at A&T. 
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Camtasia logo
Camtasia is a screen-recording and video editing software that allows you to record anything on your computer screen, including websites, software, video calls, or PowerPoint presentations. 
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class for zoom logo

Class for Zoom (also known as Class) provides an active and engaging virtual synchronous classroom setting with features like sharing web pages, collaborating on documents, launching content to breakout rooms, monitoring activity across rooms, deploying pools and quizzes, using a Class A.I. Teaching Assistant, improved analytics, and much more. In addition, Class integrates with Blackboard to provide a seamless experience for students and instructors.
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logo for goreact

GoReact is a video assessment tool that enables students to practice skills and demonstrate competence, while giving faculty the platform to provide personalized, time-coded feedback.
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LinkedIn Learning logo

All A&T students, faculty, and staff have access to LinkedIn Learning at 
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Mediasite logo
Mediasite is the university's enterprise video solution providing resources for the capture, management and sharing of video.
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Qualtrics logo

Qualtrics is a web-based tool used to create, manage, and conduct online surveys in support of teaching and research. 
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Qwickly logo
Qwickly is a productivity tool for Blackboard Learn that allows faculty to interact with multiple classes at once.
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Qwickly Attendance
Qwickly Attendance is a robust course tool that enables faculty to take attendance that is automatically stored and graded in Blackboard. 
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Respondus logo
Respondus is a software that can be used to create and manage exams that can be published directly to Blackboard. 
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Repondus Lockdown logo
Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Blackboard Learn to help prevent online test-takers from accessing applications and websites on their computers.
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Safe Assign logo
SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention service, offered by Blackboard.
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SoftChalk logo
North Carolina A&T State University has a campus-wide license for SoftChalk Cloud.
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Zoom logo
Zoom is a web-based collaboration tool that facilitates video conferencing, 
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