

Ally is a tool that can be used to make digital content more accessible. Ally automatically checks LMS course materials against WCAG 2.1 accessibility standards and delivers step-by-step guidance to instructors to improve the accessibility of their course content. In addition to providing instructors with feedback on the accessibility of content, Ally automatically creates alternative versions of course files. This allows students to view course documents in a variety of formats and choose the type of file that best suits their learning needs.

Ally seamlessly integrates with the Blackboard LMS and can be made available in any Blackboard course.
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Ally for Instructors
Ally measures the accessibility of each file attached to your course and shows you at-a-glance how it scores. Scores range from Low to Perfect. The higher the score the fewer the issues.

For files with Low to High scores, Ally shows you the issues and gives a step-by-step guide on how to fix them. For each file, you’d select the Accessibility score to open the instructor feedback. Follow the steps in front of you to go step-by-step. Select All issues to see every issue in the file and decide what issues to fix first.

* Students are not able to view the Ally gauges on course files. These gauges are only visible to course instructors.

Ally Instructor Resources and Support
Overview Video for Instructors
Alternative Formats
Accessibility Scores
Course Accessibility Report
View File Accessibility
Instructor Feedback Panel
Improve Content Accessibility
Ally Accessibility Checklist
Instructor FAQs

Visit to register for Ally training or contact ITTD (336-285-4499) for more information.

Ally for Students
Ally creates alternative files for the different pieces of content that are used in a course. Alternative files include readable text for screen readers, pictures with captions, and easy-to-navigate content. Students can then download the alternative formats anywhere the Alternative Formats icon appears. Students can choose the version of the original that best suits their learning needs!

Ally Student Resources
Overview Video for Students
Quick Start
Alternative Formats
Student FAQs