Check Request Guidelines

Check request should be submitted in Aggie Mart. For questions on the check request submission process, please contact Procurement Services.

Check requisition allowables:
  • advertisement
  • express mail
  • immigration expenditures (Homeland Security)
  • insurance payments
  • inter-library loans
  • legal and accounting fees
  • licenses (broadcast, motor vehicles)
  • membership dues (must be in University name)
  • payment to other state agencies
  • Payroll Office
  • postage
  • prizes and awards
  • refunds (revenue only)
  • reimbursements (business related expenses)
  • royalties
  • staff development
  • student payments (prizes, awards, stipends, summer housing)
  • subscriptions (must be in University name)
  • Treasurer’s Office
  • wire transfer payments 




Questions? Contact Procurement Services. 