Student Computing FAQs

How do I obtain my Banner/Aggie Access ID?

Contact the registrar's office

Can Aggie Tech Support Re-enable My Banner/Aggie Access PIN?

Aggie Tech Support can only re-enable your Banner ID/Aggie Access PIN to its previous value.

How do I recover a forgotten PIN?

You will need to go to Aggie Access Online

From there you would ‘Enter Secure Area’ and chose the ‘Forgot PIN’ button at the bottom of the page.

What is a ResNet compliant computer system?

For your computer system to be considered ResNet compliant, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Your system must be network ready
  • Your system must contain an up-to-date operating system
  • Your system must contain up to date anti-virus software (provided free upon request)
  • Your system must be configured to use the Dynamic Host Communication Protocol (DHCP)


How do I get answers about Aggie Access ON-LINE?

Aggie Access Online Student Registration Guide

Is technical support provided for ResNet?

Aggie Tech Support provides the following support for wired and wireless connectivity for secure access to the campus network:

What computer system is recommended?

The performance of any system improves with the quality of components; your needs will depend upon how you use your computer. For more specific guidance, we recommend you review our minimum recommended computer specifications.


Local Area Network (LAN) connectivity in residential halls is maintained by Information Technology Services' Networking department. If you need to report a network connectivity issue, please do so through your assigned Residential Assistant (R.A.).

What does ResNet (Residential Network) cost?

The cost of ResNet service is incorporated into student technology fees.