Title IX and Sexual Harassment (3-C)

What is Title IX?

The Title IX Office handles sexual harassment and misconduct issues at North Carolina A&T. Title IX of the U.S. Federal Education Amendments of 1972 mandates that no person shall be excluded from participation in or discriminated against on the basis of sex in programs or activities at educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. Acts of sexual violence, harassment and/or misconduct are forms of sex discrimination. Sexual discrimination is prohibited by Title IX. N.C. A&T takes such matters seriously and will investigate complaints of violations of sexual misconduct. Complete contact information for the Title IX office can be found on the main Title IX webpage.


"It's On US" Video


Responsible Employees

As a Graduate Assistant, you are an employee of the University and you thus considered a "responsible employee" with regard to Title IX. As a responsible employee, you have a duty to report incidents of sexual violence or misconduct to the University’s Title IX Coordinator or other designated University official. If you witness such an incident or if a student comes to you for help after an incident, follow these steps:

1. Report information immediately:

  • As a Responsible Employee, you are expected to report to the Title IX Coordinator within 24 hours once sexual misconduct has been reported to you.

2. Report ALL available information to Title IX Office:

  • Name of Victim and/or Reporting Party
  • Name of Alleged Person(s) (if known)
  • Date, Time, and Location of Incident
  • Any details regarding the incident

Important: You are not to investigate what has been reported to you. An investigation is handled through the Title IX Office.

3. Ask the victim if he/she would like to contact University Police or Greensboro Police to make a report, even if there are no imminent threats to safety. Victims have a right to pursue a criminal complaint with the police and/or a formal complaint through the university. However, making a report to either does not obligate the victim to file a complaint.

  • Ask the victim if he/she wants to visit the Student Health Center and if they have any evidence to not destroy it.

Contact information:

  • University Police Department (336-334-7675)
  • Counseling Services (336-334-7727)
  • Student Health Center (336-334-7880)
  • Title IX Office (336-285-3770) 
  • In Person Reports: Office of Legal Affairs, Dowdy Administration Building

Be caring and compassionate to the reporting party.

  • Do remain calm and be prepared for a range of responses.
  • Do know your campus resources and services. (Refer to the Title IX Website for resources and services.)
  • Do not make judgment values about someone’s life or experiences.
  • Do not ask insensitive questions.
  • Do not start your own investigation.


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