Assistantship Policies (2-C)


Pay Scale

Graduate Assistantships pay rates are based on degree level (Master's or Doctoral), progression in the graduate program, and academic discipline. Pay rates may vary by student experience, funding source, discipline, and responsibilities of the appointment. The University will set the minimum and maximum salary scale for all categories of assistantships. The salaries will be competitive and ensure fairness. Departments should monitor their pay practices for consistency to ensure that individuals are paid in accordance with the published pay scales.

Tuition Remission

A Graduate Assistant may be eligible for tuition remission or reduction, as well as payment of required fees. The funds associated with GTA tuition remission are allocated to the academic schools and colleges. Allocation to individual students is managed by the schools/colleges.


Each department is responsible for determining procedures for review and evaluation of graduate assistants and for informing GAs of these procedures. The process of evaluation may vary by departments, and may include written assessment of work by an individual faculty member, classroom visitation by designated faculty members, and written student evaluations. The results of reviews and evaluations should be discussed with the GA concerned.


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