Multi Factor Authentication

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Cyber criminals are persistently targeting the university community through fraudulent email aimed at tricking users to provide their usernames and passwords. They send email to employees and students disguised as people, organizations, services, and/or businesses familiar to users including but not limited to the following:

  • Entities that frequently interact with users (e.g., supervisors, co-workers, friends, etc.)
  • University officials (e.g., Chancellor, Payroll Director, etc.)
  • University departments (e.g., Accounting, ITS HelpDesk, etc.)
  • Impersonating a service or business (e.g., Blackboard, FedEx, Bank of America, etc.)

As a countermeasure to this threat, ITS has standardized on Microsoft’s Azure multi-factor authentication solution and has launched a phased multi-factor authentication (MFA) initiative beginning with the Banner 9 Admin Pages implementation during fall 2018. MFA requires more than one method of authentication to access an application. First, a user will be required to successfully pass the first layer of authentication by entering his/her OneID credentials. Second, the user will be required to successfully pass the second layer of authentication by entering the MFA credentials selected by the user. Review the MFA frequently asked questions (FAQs) for more information about the MFA methods.