Salary Administration

The N.C. A&T State University compensation philosophy is committed to the creation of an inclusive, collaborative, and responsive university by attracting, retaining, and developing a diverse community of talented individuals in support of the university’s mission. As a public research university, N.C. A&T must govern its resources in an efficient and effective way. Within the boundaries of financial feasibility, employee compensation is administered in a manner that is externally competitive and internally equitable, recognizes performance, and includes, but is not limited to consideration of job independence and discretion, job complexity, scope, supervisory or lead roles, relevant experience and credentials, and additional position responsibilities.

Administering compensation to reflect this philosophy means that salaries will be reviewed by the University on an ongoing basis. These analyses will support the institution’s efforts to obtain appropriate salary funding from the state legislature. As funding permits, salary increases shall focus on maintaining market alignment, supporting internal equity, retaining key personnel and recognizing performance. Within the parameters of discipline, function, job-related experience, and performance and individual effectiveness, employees shall be paid similarly for similar work. Salaries for new employees should be established at levels that recognize individual skills, competencies, and experience while considering the salary levels of current employees with similar job duties. 

It is the policy of the university to compensate its employees at levels sufficient to encourage excellent performance and to maintain labor market competitiveness necessary to recruit, retain, and develop a competent and diverse work force. It is also the policy of the university to ensure that sound salary administration practices are followed and applied in order to maintain equitable compensation for similarly situated employee populations.

SHRA Wage & Hour Policies

The University Wage & Hour provisions conform to the requirements of both the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the State’s “Policy on Hours of Work and Overtime Compensation.” It covers all employees, both permanent and temporary. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is federal legislation that provides guidelines regarding compensation for time worked. Non-Exempt Employees (those that are not exempt from FLSA guidelines) are protected by FLSA and due additional compensation for hours physically worked over 40 in a work week. Exempt Employees (those that are exempt from FLSA guidelines) are not due any additional compensation for hours physically worked over 40 in a work week. University administration and other supervisory personnel are responsible for assuring compliance with Wage & Hour provisions.  

SHRA Wage & Hour Exemption Status

The intersection of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) with the State Personnel Act (SHRA) creates two major categories of SHRA employment, SHRA Exempt and SHRA Non-Exempt employees. SHRA Exempt Employees are not exempt from the State Personnel Act, but they are exempt from the overtime compensation provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). SHRA Non-Exempt Employees are also not exempt from the State Personnel Act, and they are not exempt from the overtime compensation provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. 

As part of the 2021 Appropriations Act, the North Carolina General Assembly expanded the exemptions under the North Carolina Human Resources Act (EHRA or Exempt from the Human Resources Act) to include University Audit, Business, and Finance professional positions. This change in the law means that these positions will become EHRA non-faculty positions under the University’s human resources policies rather than be subject to the NC Human Resources Act (“SHRA”). The University sought this flexibility with respect to certain compensation and leave issues to be more competitive within the context of a highly competitive labor market.

Individual employees currently in SHRA Audit, Finance, certain Business Officer, Business Manager, University Program Specialist, and University Program Manager classifications that are FLSA exempt (those salaried and not subject to overtime) will be offered an opportunity to convert from SHRA to EHRA status. FLSA non-exempt employees (those paid hourly and subject to overtime) are not affected by this change and will not change to EHRA. The exempt employees who do not choose to convert to EHRA status will continue as SHRA employees.

The General Assembly enacted an exemption for commissioned police officers of the University from most provisions of the North Carolina Human Resources Act (S.L. 2020- 56 Section 7) which permits the University to classify these employees and their positions as EHRA Non-Faculty (EHRA non-faculty and SAAO II). However, given the unique nature of law enforcement work and the highly competitive labor market for commissioned law enforcement officers, there are certain aspects of the State’s SHRA human resources program that are necessary to continue to apply to, and be reflected in, the University’s human resources practices for this limited population of employees. This includes longevity pay, holiday and on-call pay, and access to certain disciplinary procedures and grievance rights afforded career status State employees. This resolution permits the president to continue to utilize selected SHRA human resources policies or implement their substantial equivalents for commissioned police officers of the University while classified as EHRA non-faculty employees.

 All UNC System law enforcement officers will transition to a special EPS campus police officer status by June 30, 2023. Each campus will determine its specific transition date.

Senate Bill 195, also known as UNC Omnibus Bill expanded the Exempt Professional Staff (formally EHRA Non-Faculty) classification authority, became law on July 14, 2023. The change in the statute provides an exemption from most provisions of the NC State Human Resources Act for all remaining SHRA university employees and positions that are designated as exempt from the minimum wage and overtime compensation provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This means that all new and vacant SHRA FLSA exempt positions will be required to be filled as EPS non-faculty instructional, research, and information technology (IRIT). All remaining SHRA FLSA-exempt employees will be given the option to convert to EPS or remain SHRA in their current position.

Impact on Career Status and Probationary Employees

The legislation provides impacted SHRA career status and probationary employees the option of either 1) continuing their university employment as an SHRA career status or probationary employee if the employee remains in the position the employee occupied, or 2) waiving SHRA career status and converting to employment as an EPS non-faculty instructional, research, and information technology (IRIT) at-will employee subject to applicable UNC System and constituent institution EPS employment policies.

Exempt Conversion FAQ's
Initial EPS Conversion Classification Titles & Salary Ranges for SHRA Exempt Positions
SHRA-EPS Comparison Chart
Leveling Guidelines for EPS Audit, Business, and Finance Professional Positions

The passage of House Bill 259 (Current Operations Appropriations Act of 2023) enacted the 2023-2024 state budget which provides an Annual Raise Process (ARP) process for both EHRA and SHRA employees. The FY23-24 budget provides a base salary increase of 4% for eligible EHRA and SHRA permanent employees. The appropriations act also provides for a 3% base salary increase for all eligible permanent employees for FY24-25. Unlike last year, the Labor Market Adjustment Reserve (LMAR) funding is not available to UNC System institutions for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. 

North Carolina A&T State University is committed to facilitating the ARP by implementing the mandatory legislative salary increase (LSI) efficiently and timely for all eligible employees. Details regarding the distribution, eligibility criteria, and other provisions of the legislative salary increase pertaining to special groups such as transfer employees, SHRA employees with annual longevity payments, faculty participating in phased retirement, and employees on leave (with or without pay), are provided below.