What is EHRA?

As a State entity, the University of North Carolina (UNC) system is subject to the State Human Resources Act. University positions are administered in accordance with the provisions and requirements of that Act. Positions covered by the Act are referred to as “SHRA” positions. However, four categories of positions have been largely exempted from coverage under the Act. Positions considered “EHRA” (Exempt from the Human Resources Act) fall in these categories:

  • Instructional positions
  • Research positions
  • Public Service/Extension positions
  • Senior Academic & Administrative Officer (“SAAO”) positions

Agreements between UNC-General Administration (UNC-GA) and the Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) allow the delegation of authority for establishing Instructional, Research, Public Service/Extension positions to certain campuses.

In addition to the requirement of instructional, research, public service/extension or administrative duties, all EHRA positions require the completion of an advanced degree, usually a master’s degree or above, or equivalent independent experience in comparable instructional or educational activities or a comparable record of independent research productivity, as a minimum educational qualification.

Authority has not been delegated to individual campuses for most positions in the fourth category (SAAO); except — by practice – associate/assistant vice chancellors, associate/assistant deans, and associate/assistant/vice provosts. In order for a position to be established or reclassified as SAAO, a request must be submitted by a campus Chancellor (or the chief HR officer, if authorized as the Chancellor’s designee) to the EHRA HR Advisory Board to the President, or HRAB-EHRA. Upon recommendation of HRAB-EHRA, the UNC System President makes the final determination of all SAAO designations and issues a formal notification.

EHRA Resources