Data & Privacy

The purpose of this page is to disclose data & privacy policy and the terms governing the collection and use of information obtained through different tools and software while attending an online course at N.C. A&T.

  • ITS Policies (which include Privacy Policy)
  • Respondus Privacy Policy
  • Repondus Monitor Privacy Statement
  • Mediasite Privacy Policy
  • Sonic Foundry (Mediasite) Privacy Statement
  • Technology & Data Security (ITS website)
  • Zoom’s privacy and security policies
  • LinkedIn (LinkedIn Learning) Privacy Policy
  • Softchalk Privacy Policy 
  • Blackboard’s Privacy Policy
  • Copyright Policy: Copyright law forbids the sharing of copyrighted material including course videos with anyone not enrolled in the course.
  • FERPA Policy: Make sure you are familiar with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
    • FERPA & Blackboard Learn
      Blackboard accesses, collects, and processes Student Data as an outsourced institutional function pursuant to FERPA 34 CFR Part 99.31(a)(1). Blackboard products support/align with FERPA requirements and help institutions enable compliance with State and Federal privacy requirements including FERPA. WRT encryption, all data in transit are secured by TLS/SSL encryption over HTTPS.
    • FERPA & Zoom
      "At Zoom, we are committed to protecting the security and privacy of our customers’ data. This includes ensuring that our customers in the education sector are compliant with the Federal Education Rights." 
  • Login Information: Keep your OneID and login credentials secure. 
    • OneID: Your OneID is your User ID to access university-provided technologies. If you need to look up your OneID, you can do so here. Protect your OneID credentials and don't share them with anyone.
      • Blackboard
        You will use your OneID to login to Blackboard. You are currently in Blackboard and will access all your courses in this environment.
      • Aggie Access Online
        This Banner Application allows you to manage and access all administrative data in Student, Alumni, Financial Aid, Finance, and Human Resources Modules. Learn more about navigating Aggie Access Online.
    • Banner I.D.: Banner I.D. numbers have replaced Social Security numbers as the student's University I.D. number. Your Banner I.D. is a nine-digit number starting with 950. You will need to provide your I.D. occasionally when doing University business, so keep it and the associated pin handy but secure.