Support Services

Support Services provides administrative assistance to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance/Facilities and clerical support for other areas within Facilities. 

Key Services

Buildings and Equipment
The University carries insurance coverage or is a self-insurer, against fire only, on all University buildings. The University reports to the State Insurance Department on any major renovations to buildings and any new construction. There is no charge to departments for this basic insurance.

The State Insurance Department on automobiles or trucks covers only liability against property damage to others and bodily injury to others.

Other Insurance
Other types of insurance such as all risk, theft, vandalism, comprehensive, collision, upset, malpractice and accident are available through the State Insurance Department and are based upon individual requirements. Contact the Procurement Services for assistance in these areas.

Financial Affairs submits purchase requests, processes payments, and oversees budgets for facilities operations and capital improvement. 

Services include processing time and attendance data for payroll, and provide many human resources functions (position management, employee relations and liaison with human resources) for Facilities employees. 

Questions? Contact

Adrienne Hairston-Widemon
Executive Assistant to AVC of Facilities

Monica Dudley 

Shalane Griffin
Contract Manager