Unlisted Limited Submission Opportunities

A faculty member interested in applying for limited submission programs that are not listed on the DORED web site or that have not been advertised must notify the Office of Research Services immediately to ensure that he/she is not excluded from consideration due to other notices of intent or pre-proposals being received by ORS for that particular competition. The ORS will contact the Council of Associate and Assistant Deans for Research to determine whether additional faculty may be submitting NOIs and will hold an internal competition if necessary.

Since each request for proposals (RFP) is unique, deadlines for each internal competition will vary. In all cases, internal deadlines will be scheduled in such a manner to provide the selected applicant the maximum amount of time available to prepare a competitive proposal.

This section excerpted from Appalachian State University’s Limited Submission Policy and used with permission. http://policy.appstate.edu/Policy_Manual