Budget Development Process and Budget Templates

Every proposal submitted to a sponsor or funding agency should include a budget that outlines all of the costs required to carry out the project objectives within the requested amount of resources. Budgets should include direct and indirect costs and they should be prepared for each year of the project and the entire project period (i.e., a cumulative total for all years of the project).

When a faculty member requests the help of Division of Research to develop or review a budget, Division of Research staff will ensure that all proposed costs are allowable per the sponsor guidelines and the Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200. Division of Research will assure that the budget justification has sufficient explanation for each line item and that all costs are coded and calculated correctly. It is important to note that costs associated with participant support costs, human subject’s incentive fees, and any stipend related proposed costs must have a clear explanation in the budget justification so that there is no confusion about the purpose of these costs.


Budget Templates

Direct Costs

Additional Budget Resources

Indirect/F&A costs

NSF budget template

Salaries, wages, & fringe benefits

Budget Time & Effort Rate Chart

NC A&T F&A rate agreement

NIH budget template

Equipment & Supplies

Cost Sharing

Organized Research

General budget template

Travel: In-state, Out-of-State, & International

Human subjects’ payment

Determining On vs Off Campus


Subcontracts & consultants




Other direct costs
