Limited Submission Procedures and Guidelines

Internal competitions are administered by the Office of Research Services. The Research Council (composed of faculty peer reviewers) reviews, evaluates and recommends pre-proposals for development into full proposals for submission from the University in accordance with procedures governing internal competitions.

Additional faculty and/or external reviewers may be invited to serve on review panels, or ad hoc review committees may be formed if the Vice Chancellor for Division of Research deems it necessary to provide a fair and comprehensive review.

Notification of opportunity

Notices of limited submission opportunities are conveyed using multiple channels. These include the Division of Research website, targeted emails to researchers and to the Council of Associate and Assistant Deans for Research (CAAD), and postings in Division of Research newsletters and social media. Notices indicate internal and external submission deadlines.

Notice of intent to submit a proposal

Principal Investigators interested in pursuing limited submission opportunities must email a Notice of Intent (NOI) form by close of business on the advertised NOI due date. An internal competition will be held should the number of notices of intent received exceed the submission limit.


Principal investigators must submit a two- to three-page preliminary proposal to the Division of Research that:

  • Describes the project being proposed (title, basic concept, partners and roles);
  • Describes how the project addresses the sponsor’s purpose/goals/objectives ;
  • Indicates results of communication with sponsor’s program officer, if any;
  • Includes a statement of the capabilities that would make the proposal competitive, especially previous experience with the sponsoring agency or other prerequisites such as a precursor project, unique equipment or use of new and innovative concepts;
  • Includes a realistic, cost-effective, preliminary, itemized budget; and
  • Includes two-page CV of the lead principal investigator (not counted as part of the two- to three-page abstract).
Page margins are restricted to a minimum of one inch, and font is restricted to 10-point Arial. Abstracts should be sent to by the publicized due date