Apartment Homes
Piedmont Place Apartments
No Admin fee; $100 off 1st month's rent. www.piedmontplaceapartments.com
The Plantation at Pleasant Ridge
$0 deposit with approved credit. www.pleasantridgeplantation.com
Carroll At Bellemeade Apartments
$200 off one month's rent. www.carrollatbellemeade.com
The Cypress Apartments
$25 of the $50 application fee and $49 of the $99 admin fee. Bring the flyer to the property when leasing. www.thecypressgreensboro.com
The Willow Apartments
$25 of the $50 application fee and $49 of the $99 admin fee. Bring the flyer to the property when leasing. www.thewillowgreensboro.com