University Procurement Card Program

The P-Card Program is designed to maintain accountability while reducing the cycle time and the administrative burden of procurement procedures such as purchase requisitions/orders through Aggie-Mart, direct pay (check requests) and expense reimbursements. The N.C. A&T Procurement card is a Visa corporate card issued through Bank of America (BOA) and administered by University Procurement Services.

How To Obtain A University Procurement Card

In order to obtain a University Procurment Card, you must:

  1. Enroll in and complete the online training.
  2. Once you successfully complete the online training, submit a completed and signed Procurement Card Application to Lou Forrisi.
  3. Once the application is approved, an email will be sent to you indicating the arrival of your new PCard.
    • PCards can only be picked on Tuesdays from 9:00am - 11:00am and Thursdays from 2:00pm - 4:00pm.

University Procurement Card Training

The University Procurement Card (PCard) Training is a self paced online module that can be found at the  following link:

University PCard Training Site

Procurement Card Manual  PCard Maintenence Form  PCard Application  Transaction Log