ePAF Approval Level Categories

The Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF) incorporates a separation of duties by defining various types of user roles maintained within the ePAF. User access is granted to the ePAF by the following user roles: Originator, Approver, Proxy, FYI Reviewer, and Applier.


Definition of the following types of users:
  • Originators – can only initiate and create new electronic personnel actions.
  • Approvers – view, review and process, ePAFs to approve items that need approval signatures, return to originations for corrections, and add comments to an action item.
  • Proxy - individuals authorized to approve in the absence of the original approver.
  • FYIer – sees the ePAF transaction for information only.
  • Applier – Human Resources designee that applies an approved ePAF transaction to Banner and is always the last level within the routing queue.

ORIGINATOR: Departmental Administrative Assistant or designated staff person.

Department APPROVER:
  • Principal Investigator
  • Supervisor/Department Head
  • Director/AVC
  • Dean/Vice Chancellor
  • Departmental Budget Executive
FYI Reviewer: View Only (For Your Information)

An ePAF passes through a predefined sequence of approvers and actions before final approval.  This predefined sequence of approvers and actions is called an approval queue or routing queue.

Note: In order to be added as one of the above mentioned ePAF user roles, you must submit an ePAF Security Access Form to Human Resources identifying, if you are an originator or the level(s) on which you approve ePAFs.