Extended Campus Staff

photo of Dr. Tonya AmankwatiaDr. Tonya Amankwatia
Assistant Vice Provost, Distance Education & Extended Learning

Recognized as a distance education and continuing education leader, Dr. Tonya B. Amankwatia is an online federal compliance reviewer and contributor to various international conferences and publications. She’s the co-editor of a book in the Brill series Leadership and Best Practices in Educational Technology Management and serves on Springer's TechTrends and Journal of Computing in Higher Education editorial review boards. She is involved with Credential Engine’s Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) advisory group and the UPCEA Council for Credential Innovation member. In Spring 2022, she completed her term as founding Vice Chair of the University of North Carolina System’s Online Leadership Collaborative. Dr. Amankwatia has taught at the graduate and undergraduate levels for 18 years and has earned the rank of associate professor.

Dr. Amankwatia earned an associate’s degree in mass communication from St. Petersburg Junior College in Clearwater, Florida; a bachelor's degree in mass communications from the University of South Florida in Tampa; a master's degree in Christian education from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma; and a doctorate in learning sciences and technology from Lehigh University.

A collaborative leader with a demonstrated record of creating mission-aligned partnerships and accessible educational programs, Dr. Amankwatia is “energized by opportunities to collaborate and engage others in imaginative, thoughtful capacity building to meet the needs of diverse learners and the community.”


Staff Directory

Precious Bradley
Enrollment Marketing Associate, Extended Campus

Shayla Doyal
STEAM Program Manager, Extended Campus

Director of Distance Education

Karen Jackson
Admissions and Retention Specialist, Extended Campus

Audrey Ling
Business Officer, Summer Sessions

Toni McRae
Extended Campus Office Manager, Distance Education

Thomas Wade
Extended Campus Student Services Specialist, Distance Education

Saija "Sage" Washington
Learning Design Consultant, Distance Education

Pat White
Director, Continuing Education and Summer Sessions