Gifts Accounting

Gifts Accounting is a unit of the Comptroller’s office responsible for approving, setting up and the establishing of gifts funds. Gifts include all unrestricted and restricted funds received from individuals or organizations. All gifts should be routed to the University Advancement Office and are subject to the donor’s requirements. Expenses incurred from gift funds must be supported with adequate documentation by the account custodian to ensure compliance with the donor’s restrictions and/or conditions. Funds may only be established for the use and benefit of the University in accordance with state rules and regulations.

The Gifts Accounting Office is also responsible for the processing of budget revisions for campus departments who hold and utilize gift funds.

Fund Create Form

Trust Fund Guidelines

Banner Budget Revision Form


Contact Us:

Gifts Accounting
1601 East Market Street
Suite 226, Dowdy Administrative Building
Greensboro, North Carolina 27411
Phone: 336 334-7684

Bernadette Bryant, Gifts Accountant

Nicki Hill